Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sun Studio and ELVIS!

Sun Studio is a recording studio opened by rock pioneer Sam Phillips at 706 Union Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee, on January 3, 1950.   This was a great place to visit.  I loved seeing old pictures and records of the rock and rollers who recorded here!  It was a fun tour.
Sam Phillips Avenue

I loooooved this photograph!

On to the Home of Elvis!

Well, how could anything in life be better than a Elvis-styled FRIED peanut butter and banana sandwich??  Aw, man, that thing was good!

The "Rockabilly's Restaurant" (Diner) at Graceland

Elvis' House (I didn't take the tour, just looked at it from the outside).

I loved the rock wall around Graceland.  Visitors from all over come and sign and write personal things on the wall.  It's very touching.